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A devil face- ballpoint pen drawing ✒️


Hello hivers!

Today, I will show all of you my latest artwork a devil face.


•I used a red, blue, green and black pen to ink the drawing


When I was a child, I used to think that there is a real devil. No one could believe that there is no devil because I saw ghost pictures in various movie cartoons. The figure we have made today does not match the reality of this drawing face because such a face does not belong to a human or an animal. I drew such strange pictures after a long time, which is usually seen in movie cartoons here. I try to do scribble art with the help of pen and most of them have real similarities. But today I did a little different because I was feeling bored doing some kind of art.


Process note First I draw the outline of the picture with the help of mechanical pencil. Then I ink some places with the help of black pen. Next I complete the drawing with all the ballpoint pens. I used the picsArt app after taking pictures to darken the color of the drawing.

Some drawing shots step by step:






Final process




That's it! Thanks for visiting 😊❤️

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A devil face- ballpoint pen drawing ✒️ was published on and last updated on 12 Oct 2020.