Hi all!
Today, I am presenting to you my new artwork drawing a scribble portrait of a little girl from a poor family. And here the girl was going somewhere with a pitcher on her head.
The picture I first saw on the Pinterest site and it was a very beautiful scene because the girl was smiling even though she had a pitcher on her head. I only used a ballpoint pen for drawing. I hope you like it!
Process of drawing I took offset paper to draw it, and first outlined the whole picture of the girl, then inked the picture with the scribble technique, and so on.
some shots of here:
That's it! Photo source
๐ผย ๐ญย ๐ดย ๐ฎย ๐ฆย ๐ฒย !
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And this is my Discord id - riyad#9034
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